Emina Soljanin receives NSF US-Israel Binational Science Grant for Advancing Reliable Storage for Mobile Edge Services

ECE Professor Emina Soljanin is the recipient of a new NSF award for the research project titled "Redundancy for Storage in the Edge."  This is a three-year project  in partnership with Technion, Israel that is supported under the NSF US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) Collaborative Research Opportunities. Rutgers' share of the award is $500,000.
In this project Professor Soljanin will design storage schemes to facilitate emerging Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystems. The IoT revolution is driven by a surge of applications based on intelligent edge devices, such as smart cities and homes, autonomous vehicles, online video gaming, virtual and augmented reality, and machine learning. The back end of these systems is a central service where a large amount of data generated by edge devices is continuously collected, aggregated, and analyzed. Unfortunately, traditional cloud services cannot provide performance guarantees that the latency-critical applications require, mainly due to round-trip times which can take several hundreds of milliseconds. Thus, such applications will likely rely on Edge services-an emerging technology tightly coupled with 5G cellular networks. This project focuses on enabling unstable edge nodes to collectively provide a reliable storage service for unpredictable user demands. Towards this goal, redundant storage schemes for edge systems will be designed and evaluated.
More details on the project can be found on the NSF page here.
Congratulations Emina!