Emina Soljanin receives NSF Grant for Enabling Low-Latency Communications Services

ECE Professor Emina Soljanin is the recipient of a new NSF award for the research project titled "Service Rates of Codes." This three-year $500,000 project is funded by the Communication and Information Foundations (CIF) program that supports foundational computer science and engineering research and education to advance the areas of communication, information theory, signal processing and networking.

Distributed storage platforms support major systems that operate under high uncertainty but have strict, low-latency requirements. Such systems include health (remote surgery), finance (electronic trading), commerce (online shopping), cloud gaming, self-driving cars, and augmented reality. In most of these emerging applications, users’ instantaneous and expected numbers and their data interests extensively fluctuate. Therefore, traditional storage solutions, designed and provisioned to satisfy specific expected demands, are inadequate. This project first postulates a new metric that should be an essential consideration in designing efficient distributed storage that must provide low latency for time-sensitive applications and remain stable under high uncertainty. It then offers optimal storage solutions. Besides that, it advances the fundamentals of coding theory, optimization on graphs, and real and finite geometry.

More details on the project can be found on the NSF page here.

Congratulations Emina!