PhD Qualifying Exam Procedures
Before taking the PhD Qualifying Examination, there are coursework prerequisites for each specialization area in the doctoral program.
After fulfilling the mandatory coursework and deepening their expertise in the chosen specialization, students face the next essential step: the PhD qualifying exam. This exam is not just a test of what they’ve learned, but a comprehensive assessment to determine if they have the aptitude and readiness for the nuanced complexities of doctoral research. It seeks to measure a student’s capacity for innovative thought, mastery over their domain, and their potential for self-driven research endeavors.
Successful candidates are then instructed to complete the PhD Candidacy Form. With endorsements from both the PhD qualifying examination committee and the ECE Graduate Director, this document facilitates the Rutgers School of Graduate Studies in formally acknowledging a student’s transition from an aspirant (pre-qualifying PhD student) to an official doctoral candidate (post-qualifying PhD student).
Policies for the PhD Qualifying Examination
Qualifying Exam Timeline & General Policies: After fulfilling the mandatory coursework and achieving the required minimum GPA for their specialization, PhD students are eligible for the PhD Qualifying Exam. While it’s recommended they take this exam within the first two years of their program, they must absolutely take it no later than the end of the third year.
Exam Format and Evaluation Criteria: The purpose of the PhD Qualifying Exam is multifaceted. While the primary aim is to evaluate a student’s research potential, it also serves to measure their capability to present complex research findings effectively, handle in-depth and critical questions, and engage in scholarly discourse in their area of specialization. The comprehensive nature of this exam ensures that students are not only well-versed in their research topics but can also apply critical thinking and analytical skills to real-world challenges.
Students appearing for the qualifying exam are required to prepare a written report and deliver a 45-minute oral presentation on their independent research to the PhD Qualifying Examination Committee. This presentation is followed by an open-ended question-and-answer segment, where questions can span from specific aspects of the research project to broader topics within the research specialization area.
Scheduling, Examination Committee Composition, and Application Process: The oral component of the PhD qualifying exam is offered once each semester during a two-week period, typically in the latter parts of October and March. Additionally, students have the flexibility to take the oral exam at any point during the summer months. To be eligible, students must submit a formal application to the ECE Graduate Program Office. This application should clearly indicate the selected research specialization for the exam and outline how the associated coursework prerequisites have been met. Alongside the application, students are required to submit their research paper, thesis, or report which complements their oral presentation. See the Graduate Student Handbook for more information on the application and scheduling procedures.