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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Rutgers students win first-place award for "Fair and Intelligent Embedded System Challenge" in Embedded System Week (ESWEEK 2023)

First place certificate for Fair and Intelligent Embedded System.

A team of Rutgers ECE graduate students, Cheng Yang, Yang Sui andJinqi Xiao, under the supervision of Professor Bo Yuan, won the first-place award for "Fair and Intelligent Embedded System Challenge" in Embedded System Week (ESWEEK 2023). The award carries a prize of $4000. ESWEEK is the premier event covering all aspects of hardware and software design for intelligent and connected computing systems. In this competition, the participating teams design and implement working, open-source AI/ML algorithms that can automatically discriminate skin disease from skin image while being able to be deployed and run on the Raspberry PI embedded board. Comprehensive performances metrics, including detection accuracy, fairness, and inference latency, are evaluated and ranked.

Congratulations to Professor Bo Yuan and his students, Cheng Yang, Yang Sui and Jinqi Xiao!