Narayan Mandayam Appointed Acting Director of WINLAB

Distinguished Professor Narayan Mandayam has assumed the position of Acting Director of WINLAB, the Rutgers University Wireless Information Network Laboratory. The one-year appointment became effective on August 1, 2023. Dr. Mandayam, who has served as WINLAB’s associate director and as ECE department chair, steps into the acting directorship while long-term director and ECE Distinguished Professor Dipankar Raychaudhuri is on sabbatical.
With its focus on wireless technology research and industry partnerships, WINLAB has been a leading industry-university research center and collaborative forum on innovative wireless technologies and their applications since it was established in 1989. Under the leadership of Dr. Raychaudhuri, WINLAB has enriched its research portfolio, which includes everything from information theory and radio technology to wireless systems and mobile networks and computing. WINLAB’s current comprehensive and synergistic research program aims to advance research in the areas of smart cities and vehicles, eHealth, security and privacy, wireless and mobile networks, machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and more.
Dr. Mandayam, whose research interests encompass smart city resilience, privacy and security in IoT, and energy efficient IoT, will provide outstanding leadership in developing a focused research and operational plan for WINLAB over the next year.