Hang Liu received new NSF grant from ExpandQISE
Hang Liu received a new grant from the National Science Foundation titled "ExpandQISE: Track 1: Analog quantum simulation of non-Markovian dynamics of multi-qubit systems". It is a collaboration between Rutgers and the New York Institute of Technology. Our share is $195K. (Total award is $650K for three years.)
A multi-qubit system is used in various quantum technologies, including quantum communication, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography, and quantum simulation. Since any quantum system cannot be fully isolated from the environment, open quantum systems are introduced to model the evolution of a quantum system while considering the interactions between the quantum system and the environment. Depending on the strength and the type of this interaction, there are two types of open quantum systems dynamics - Markovian and non-Markovian, where the non-Markovian dynamics are more accurate. In this research, the project team will advance and promote the research on analog quantum simulation of non-Markovian dynamics of multi-qubit systems. In addition, this research will implement an investment and reward feedback loop for inspiring K-12 students and attracting, retaining, and educating undergraduate, female, and underrepresented minority students by exposing them to this quantum-related research. Further, this project broadens and strengthens the current quantum physics curriculum at the undergraduate level by enhancing existing courses and creating new ones.
More project information can be found here: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2328948&HistoricalAwards=false.
This is the second NSF grant that Hang received in this NSF funding cycle. Congratulations to Hang!