ECE Research Day 2023

On Friday, December 8, 2023, the annual ECE Research Day was held. This event was an excellent opportunity for ECE students to present their research projects, share their creative ideas, and network with their peers. More than 20 posters were presented by graduate and undergraduate students, covering a diverse range of research topics. Also, six Fall 2024 Capstone teams had a chance to showcase their senior design project:
Team# F23-01 - H.A.R.V.E.Y Harvesting Acceleration Robot for Vegetation Enhancement and Yielding advised by Prof. Sheng Wei
Team# F23-02 - Smart Fridge Mobile App advised by Anand Sarwate
Team# F23-03 - Wake-Up Wearable: Stopping Accidents Caused by Falling Asleep advised by Prof. Michael Caggiano
Team# F23-03 - RU (AI)advisor advised by Prof. Shiring Jalali
Tean# F23-06 - Optimized Solar-Powered Base Stations: A Simulation-Based Theoretical Framework advised by Prof. Dipankar Raychaudhuri and Ivan Seskar
Team# F23-07 - Intra-Body Communication: Wireless Direct Contact Communication advised by Dr. Umer Hassan
The event was well-received by faculty, students, and industry representatives. Special thanks to Prof. Laleh Najafizadeh and Prof. Yao Liu for coordinating this important event that showcases the exciting research in our department!