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dataPayload - Variable in class sime.Packet
The data payload carried in this packet, if any.
dataSequenceNumber - Variable in class sime.tcp.Segment
Sequence number of this segment, which is the sequence number of the first byte of data carried in this segment.
delayedACKtimer - Variable in class sime.tcp.Receiver
The timer for delayed (cumulative) acknowledgments.
Because of the way the simulator is implemented, it calls the receiver to process the received packets one by one.
delayedACKtimerHandle - Variable in class sime.tcp.Receiver
Handle returned by the simulator, in case Receiver.delayedACKtimer needs to be canceled.
deliverArrivedPackets(ArrayList<Packet>, double[], NetworkElement, double) - Method in class sime.Link
Helper method to deliver the packets that propagated through the link and arrived to the other end, if any.
Note that we assume that the packets are enqueued on the first-come-first-served basis, so their delays are sorted in an ascending order.
destinationAddr - Variable in class sime.Packet
Destination address, to which this packet is sent.
deviationRTT_init - Variable in class sime.tcp.RTOEstimator
Initial value of RTT deviation (in simulator clock ticks) (multiplied by "beta" RTOEstimator.betaShift)
devRTT - Variable in class sime.tcp.RTOEstimator
Current estimated RTT deviation (shifted by RTOEstimator.betaShift)
dupACKcount - Variable in class sime.tcp.Sender
Counter of duplicate acknowledgments.
dupACKthreshold - Static variable in class sime.tcp.Sender
The threshold number of duplicate acknowledgments after which the TCP sender will assume that the oldest outstanding segment is lost and perform Fast Retransmit.