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Packet - Class in sime
Data packet class.
Packet(NetworkElement, byte[]) - Constructor for class sime.Packet
packetBuffer - Variable in class sime.Router
Router memory for buffered/queued packets.
packetDelaysN1toN2 - Variable in class sime.Link
Delay times for packets stored in the list Link.packetsFromN1toN2, in simulation-clock ticks.
packetDelaysN2toN1 - Variable in class sime.Link
packetInTransmission - Variable in class sime.Router.OutputPort
Holds the packet currently in transmission on the outgoing link.
packetsFromN1toN2 - Variable in class sime.Link
Container for packets in transit from Link.node1 to Link.node2.
We never check whether this array overflows, because we hope there will be never more than 100 packets in flight on a link?!?
packetsFromN2toN1 - Variable in class sime.Link
Container for packets in transit from Link.node2 to Link.node1.
Similar to Link.packetsFromN1toN2.
process(int) - Method in class sime.Endpoint
Before calling the local Sender, this method calls Simulator.checkExpiredTimers(TimedComponent) to fire the Sender.rtoTimer if it expired.
process(int) - Method in class sime.Link
This method should be called to signal the passage of time.
process(int) - Method in class sime.NetworkElement
The method used by the simulator to signal the passage of time to this network element.
process(int) - Method in class sime.Router
When this method is called, it is a signal to the router to transmit packets on their corresponding outgoing links, if there are any packets buffered in the router memory.
Only the caller knows when sufficient amount of time has elapsed and when it should call this method.
propagationTime - Variable in class sime.Link
Propagation time for this communication link.