Mehdi Javanmard on Rutgers Team that receives NSF MRI Award for X-ray Computed Tomography

Assistant Professor Mehdi Javanmard is a co-PI on a Rutgers team from the Molecular Imaging Center that won a NSF MRI grant for the project "Acquisition of a High Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography Instrument for a Multi-User Imaging Facility." This $399,969 award will enable acquisition of a high-resolution scanner that can obtain detailed 3D images at the micron or sub-micron level of a broad range of samples (ranging from biological specimens to biomaterials to 3D printed objects to soil samples) without destroying or altering the sample. This investment supports some research communities in natural and biological structures, and advanced multi-user research in several departments. Projects are being carried out with the instrument in the areas of biology, chemistry, geology and cybersecurity for 3D manufacturing. The resources will be shared by researchers from the university and local small biotech and pharmaceutical industries.

More details can be found at the NSF awards page  here.