14:332:375 - Elements of Electrical Engineering-SN

Course number and name: 14:332:375 Elements of Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Course catalog description: Survey course for non-EE students, Experimental exercises in use of laboratory instruments. Voltage, current, impedance, frequency, and waveform measurements

Credits and contact hours: 3 credits; 1 hour and 20-minitue session, twice a week, every week.

Pre-Requisite courses:Electrical concepts from physics, Calculus, Complex numbers

Note: Not open to electrical engineering students

Co-Requisite courses:None

Brief list of topics to be covered

  • General introduction to the laboratory.
  • Basic laws of electrical engineering theory.
  • Introduction to network analysis.
  • Sinusoidal steady-state response.
  • Time-domain analysis.
  • Introduction to operational amplifiers.

Textbook, title, author, and year: Laboratory Manual supplied by the instructor